Blue Organizational Solutions

Blue Organizational Solutions

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Unifying Electromagnetic Speed

Who would ever think that unity in a community’ would be strengthened by a unified electromagnetic speed? Well as you find in the book, Time for Change, available from this website, authority and responsibility–the cornerstone of organizations–make up an electromagnetic wave that travels through the management structures.

While that might seem removed from daily operations, the unity of the internal and observed electromagnetic speed comes from a spacetime reality that unifies space and time. In such a union, time comes under the control of those working together in a community, rather than being out of the community’s control and artificially separated out on clocks and watches. With this control over time exercised by the community, productivity goes through the roof.

You might wonder what such a unifying electromagnetic speed might be. First off, it isn’t the 300 million meters per second of light waves in a vacuum. That’s the electromagnetic speed with time separated out on clocks and watches. Rather in spacetime, the distance divided by the time for the speed has a lightyear second (lysec) as the measure of the distance traveled and a second as the measure of the time taken.

One more thing you need to know is that, like light and other electromagnetic waves, authority and responsibility arrive the moment they depart. In other words, there is no distance or time internally when it comes to electromagnetic waves. Employee observations of these waves of authority and responsibility produce the management structures that we are so familiar with in organizations, and give rise to the passage of time as found on clocks and wristwatches.

So, again, what is this unifying speed across electromagnetic waves to include authority and responsibility? It is zero lysec for the distance traveled divided by zero sec for the time taken. Since zero divided by zero equals 1.0, the spacetime answer equals 1.0 sec per sec. Once again, it is the unity that spacetime brings to a community of employees and with it the control over time that makes such a big difference in the productivity.

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